Julie Fisher is the featured artist for July and will read poetry from her
forthcoming chapbook Friday July 1 at 7pm at Hamilton Gallery
Julie created www.PoetryInBaltimore.com because Baltimore's poetry scene
is outstanding. She hosts 3rd Friday Night PerVerse, Essential Sundays @
Minas' Gallery and the B-More Erotic Performance Art Series. She cohosts
Kids Got Poetry Writing Series with her daughter Sophie. She frequently
supports and coordinates special events within the literary community as
Her poems have appeared most recently in Baltimore Sun, Manorborn, Attic
and World According to Goldfish Anthology. She believes the practice of
writing poetry perches on the razor edge somewhere between self
involvement and spiritual exercise.
She co-edited the Octopus Dreams Anthology 1 a publication sponsored by
more info 443-418-4762